Next date: Sunday, 06 April 2025 | 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Sunday Sessions: 1 PM - 2:45 PM
1 PM: Short Art TutorialJoin us for a delightful afternoon of creativity by the lake, complemented by live music! Let the artwork on display inspire your unique project, with guidance from our Art Museum educators and volunteers. Enjoy ample time to socialise with both new and familiar faces.
Sunday 23 March - Drawing Chooks
Sunday 6th April - Air Dry Clay Chooks
Come delve into your artistic side!
Museum of Art and Culture yapang, Lake Macquarie, 1A First Street, Booragul, 2284, View in Google Maps
1A First Street , Booragul 2284
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This event occurs over multiple dates. Please select which date you want an invite for.
$25.13 - $27.78