‘How lucky we are to have words to pass back and forth between one another like gifts!
Though sometimes, I have found, it is the conversations that happen without words that are the most beautiful to watch.
A shared dance, a gentle touch, an unspoken joke…
All of these things have the ability to bridge gaps, grow friendships, deepen understanding and, in some cases, even spark love.’
Hunter based artist Michèle Heibel was born into an artistic Swiss-German family in 1972 and spent many of her childhood years in Switzerland's Bernese countryside. In 1983, after extensive travels, her family made the decision to settle permanently in Australia. Working in corporate design for many years in Sydney’s CBD as an Art Director, Heibel returned to her artistic roots and the rural lifestyle she had known as a child, where she developed her practice, creating unique artworks through etching with a family heirloom pin. These delicate pieces are created with a whimsical quality that will often belie the serious message within.
This new body of work ‘Conversations’ discusses the importance of connection through all stages of our lives.
Image: Michèle Heibel, It Takes Two. Courtesy of the artist.
Museum of Art and Culture (MAC yapang), 1A First Street, 2284 View in Google Maps
1A First Street , 2284
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