The playful (mis)spelling in the title of this show is a joyful nod to a moment in the 2006 film version of Chris Gardner’s memoir The Pursuit of Happyness, when Will Smith’s character worries over the same misspelling in the entranceway motto of his son’s day-care centre.
It represents, as the film does, the state of imperfection in which we might live, while still chasing what we believe to be an ideal happiness.
Image above: Michael Leunig, A Herbal Remedy for Lifeache, n.d. ink on paper, 21 x 29.5 cm
Image below: Nell, Love cries out from each brick in the wall, 2013. Convict brick, gold leaf, varnishes, 22.5 x 11 x 6.5cm
Museum of Art and Culture Lake Macquarie, 1A First Street, Booragul 2284 View in Google Maps
1A First Street , Booragul 2284