Big Scope: Painting and Place


An exhibition of large-scale works exploring the dynamic nature of our relationship to landscape and place, presenting the viewer with a visually dynamic and thought-provoking experience.

Includes work by Robert Boynes, Peter Daverington, Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori, Una Rey, Gordon Rintoul, Paul Uhlmann, John R Walker and Catherine Woo.



Image above:

Peter Daverington, The Empire, 2009. Acrylic and enamel on panel, 338 x 440 cm

Image below:

John R Walker, Six Days in Bundanon and I Give Thanks to Boyd, 2001. Oil on canvas, 183 x 221 cm


6 Days in Bundanon and I Give Thanks to Boyd 2001.bmp


  • Friday, 14 December 2012 | 10:00 AM - Sunday, 03 February 2013 | 04:00 PM


Museum of Art and Culture Lake Macquarie, 1A First Street, Booragul 2284  View in Google Maps

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