This exhibition would showcase self portraits by people from all walks of life who we support through art therapy who are often not represented in portraiture and celebrate their skills and differences. Some people who have already created self portraits during sessions include someone with Disocciative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities) who depicts their "internal family", a young person who hears voices, an adult who uses a wheel chair and has experienced childhood trauma, and a child who has cerebral palsy. We are very mindful of ethics and exhibitions, with artist's voices and choices coming first, and all of our art therapists having a sound understanding of mental health and disability.
Image: Kel Titchmarsh, Inside/Outside 2022. Acrylic and mixed media on canvas
Museum of Art and Culture (MAC), 1A First Street, Booragul 2284, Booragul 2284 View in Google Maps
1A First Street, Booragul 2284 , Booragul 2284